Enfield High Summer School 2023
Marilynn Cressotti, Summer School Director
[email protected]
Mark Szezesiul, Summer School Supervisor
[email protected]
1. Mail the completed registration form to:
Gina LaScola
Mailed registrations and payment must be received by June 29th.
Enclose a check or money order (no cash), payable to: ENFIELD PUBLIC SUMMER SCHOOL.
2. Register in person on Thursday, June 29, 2023, in the
Career Center at Enfield High School from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Enclose a check or money order (no cash),
There will be a $20 surcharge for returned checks.
Credit card payments may be made in person only at Enfield High on June 29th.
Registration Fee: $50 each class (residents); $200 each class (non-residents)
Payment: Payment must be made in FULL with registration form.
Length of Program: Wednesday, July 5 – Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Where: All courses will be held at Enfield High School
Transportation: Students will be responsible for their own transportation
Time and Days: Monday – Friday 7:30AM – 9:45AM and/or 9:45AM – 12:00PM
Cancellation: Director reserves the right to withdraw any summer school course due to inadequate enrollment. In such instances, tuition will be refunded.
Refund Policy: Full refund if course is cancelled. No refund after first class has met or if student is discharged from program because of discipline.
Attendance Policy: More than one absence will result in loss of credit or dismissal without refund, subject to appeal. If a student is late to class by ten minutes or more, it will be recorded as a tardy. Two tardies will be considered as an absence. No exceptions for vacations.
Eligibility: Students must have been enrolled for the entire course and achieved a course average of 45 or a grade of 45 on the final exam during the 2022-23 school year to enroll in a summer school course.
Course Selection Titles:
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
Social Studies:
Modern World History
US History
Integrated Physical Science (IPS)
World Language
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Registration Form
Student’s Name ______________________________
Student’s Cell Phone: ____________________________
Address ______________________________________ Town __________________________
Parent’s Name _________________________________
Home/Cell Phone _______________________________
Work Phone ___________________________________
Emergency Contact _____________________________ Phone _________________________
Parent Email___________________________________
Present School _________________________________
Eligibility: Students must have been enrolled for the entire course and achieved a course average of 45 or a grade of 45 on the final exam during the 2022-23 school year to enroll in a summer school course.
Course Selection 1: ________________________________________
Course Selection 2 (If needed): ________________________________
I agree that if __________________________ (Student’s name) is admitted to the Enfield Public School Summer School Program, he/she will abide by the rules and regulations. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations may result in dismissal from the program.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________Date: _______
*Please Enclose Payment - $50 each class (residents); $200 each class (non-residents)*
Office Use: ___________________________________________________________________
Office Use: Amount Paid: _____________________ Cash Check Credit Card