"We believe every child is unique and the diversity of our students is what makes Enfield Public Schools exceptional.To thrive and excel, all are welcomed, accepted, respected, and supported."District Equity Statement

BOE Committee Appointments



Listed below is a list of Enfield Board of Education subcommittees. Subcommittees will report back to the entire Board with their recommendations, except for the expulsion committee.

2023-25 BOE Committee Appointments & Liaisons

Adult Education - Liaison

BOE Leadership

Alternative Education, ETLA & Enfield Cooperative Tutoring Liaison

BOE Leadership

Buzz Robotics Liaison

Charlotte Riley

Enfield Cultural Arts
Tina LeBlanc

JFK Building Committee Liaison

Charlotte Riley
Scott Ryder

Joint TC/BOE Facility Liaisons

Charlotte Riley
Tina LeBlanc
Scott Ryder

CREC Delegate Liaison

Charlotte Riley

Curriculum Committee

Jean Acree (Chairperson)
Janet Cushman
Amanda Pickett  (Committee Secretary)
Charlotte Riley (Alternate)
Dr. Gerry Calnen (Alternate)
Michelle Middleton, Cabinet Liaison

POCD Steering Committee

Tina LeBlanc

EHS Safe Grad Liaison

Tina LeBlanc

Leadership Committee

Charlotte Riley, Chairwoman
Janet Cushman, Vice Chairwoman
Scott Ryder, Secretary
Tina LeBlanc, Minority Leader
Chris Drezek, Cabinet Liaison
Andy Longey, Cabinet Liaison

Expulsion Committee

All Board of Education Members

Youth Mental Health & Wellness Advisory Council Liaisons

Dr. Jerry Calnen
Jean Acree

Finance & Budget Committee

Philip Kober, Chairperson
Jean Acree
Dr. Gerald Calnen
Janet Cushman, (Alternate)
Tina LeBlanc (Alternate)
John Dague, Cabinet Liaison

Head Start Policy Committee Liaison
Dr. Gerald Calnen

Joint Security Committee Liaison    

Philip Kober
Charlotte Riley
Scott Ryder

KITE Liaison

Dr. Gerald Calnen

 ERfC Liaison
Scott Ryder

Parliamentarian Liaison

Philip Kober

Policy Committee

Janet Cushman, Chairperson
Philip Kober
Scott Ryder, Secretary
Charlotte Riley (Alternate)
Tina LeBlanc (Alternate)
Andy Longey, Cabinet Liaison

Joint BOE/TC Insurance Committee Liaison

Charlotte Riley
Tina LeBlanc

Suffield Vo-Ag Liaison

BOE Leadership

Stowe Early Learning Center Liaison

 Dr. Gerald Calnen



2023-25 Adopt-A School Roster


Henry Barnard

Philip Kober - 860-888-7323

Prudence Crandall

Jean Acree - 413-244-3787

Enfield Street

Amanda Pickett- 860-381-9118

Hazardville Memorial

Charlotte Riley - 860-593-9841

Edgar H. Parkman

Janet Cushman - 860-745-2003

Eli Whitney

Scott Ryder - 518-210-4639

John F. Kennedy

Charlotte Riley - 860-593-9841

Enfield High

Tina LeBlanc - 860-394-6259

Adult Education

BOE Leadership


Dr. Gerald Calnen - 860-550-4755

Head Start

Dr. Gerald Calnen - 860-550-4755

Suffield Vo-Ag

BOE Leadership

Alternative Ed, ETLA & Enfield Cooperative Tutoring

BOE Leadership

Eagle Academy Liaison

BOE Leadership

ERfC Liaison


KITE Liaison

Dr, Gerald Calnen - 860-550-4755


Updated:  01-17-25